How do we combat Islamophobia effectively?

Islamophobia is a becoming serious problem that affects many people in the UK and beyond. It is a form of discrimination and prejudice that targets Muslims or those perceived to be Muslims based on their appearance, beliefs, culture or identity. Islamophobia can manifest in various ways, such as verbal abuse, physical violence, vandalism, harassment, exclusion, stereotyping and hate crimes.

However, Islamophobia is not only a problem for Muslims. It is also a threat to the values of democracy, diversity and human rights that the UK stands for. Islamophobia undermines social cohesion, fuels extremism and radicalisation, and creates divisions and mistrust among communities. Therefore, combating Islamophobia is a responsibility for all of us who care about the future of our society.

But how do we combat Islamophobia effectively? There is no simple or quick answer to this question, but there are some possible steps that we can take to address this issue. Here are some suggestions, From what I have learnt from my own personal journey from ‘Hater to the Hated’

  • Educate ourselves and others about Islam and Muslims. Many people have misconceptions or stereotypes about Islam and Muslims that are based on ignorance, misinformation or media bias. By learning more about the history, diversity, values and practices of Islam and Muslims, we can challenge these negative views and foster mutual understanding and respect.
  • Speak out against Islamophobia whenever we encounter it. Whether it is online or offline, in public or private, we should not remain silent or indifferent when we witness or experience Islamophobia. We should report it, condemn it and challenge it with facts and arguments. We should also support the victims of Islamophobia and show solidarity with them.
  • Build bridges and alliances with other communities. Islamophobia is not an isolated phenomenon. It is often linked to other forms of racism, bigotry and intolerance that affect different groups of people. By reaching out to other communities that face similar challenges, we can share our experiences, learn from each other and work together to promote a more inclusive and harmonious society.
  • Engage in constructive dialogue with those who have different opinions or perspectives. Not everyone who has negative views about Islam or Muslims is necessarily hateful or malicious. Some may be genuinely curious, confused or concerned about certain issues related to Islam or Muslims. By engaging in respectful and rational dialogue with them, we can address their questions, clarify their doubts and correct their misunderstandings.
  • Recognise and challenge the root causes of Islamophobia. Islamophobia is not a natural or inevitable phenomenon. It is a product of social, political and economic factors that create fear, resentment and hostility towards certain groups of people. By recognising and challenging these factors, such as inequality, injustice, oppression, violence and propaganda, we can tackle the underlying sources of Islamophobia and create a more just and peaceful world.

These are some possible ways to combat Islamophobia in the UK. However, they are not enough by themselves. They require the commitment and cooperation of all stakeholders in society, such as governments, media, civil society organisations, religious institutions, educational institutions and individuals. Only by working together can we make a difference.

Some extremist Muslims also contribute to the problem of Islamophobia by engaging in violent or radical actions that harm innocent people and tarnish the image of Islam. However, they do not represent the majority of Muslims who are peaceful, law-abiding and respectful of others. They are also victims of the same factors that fuel Islamophobia, such as marginalisation, alienation and manipulation. Therefore, we should not blame or stigmatise all Muslims for the actions of a few. Instead, we should support the efforts of mainstream Muslims to counter extremism and violence within their own communities and to promote a more authentic and positive representation of Islam.

People’s genuine concerns around immigration

Immigration is a complex and controversial topic that affects many aspects of society, such as the economy, culture, security, and human rights. In this blog post, I don’t declare I’m an expert on this issue but I will try to address some of the genuine concerns that people have around immigration and possible solutions that could benefit both the host countries and the immigrants.

One of the main concerns that people have is the impact of immigration on the labour market and the welfare system. Some people fear that immigrants take away jobs from native workers, lower wages, or abuse social benefits. However, research has shown that immigration can have positive effects on the economy, such as increasing productivity, innovation, and diversity. Moreover, immigrants often fill labour shortages in sectors that are vital for society, such as health care, education, and agriculture. A possible solution to address this concern is to implement fair and efficient policies that regulate the entry and integration of immigrants, such as skills-based visas, labour market tests, or quotas. These policies could ensure that immigrants match the needs and demands of the host country, while also protecting the rights and interests of native workers.

Another concern that people have is the impact of immigration on the culture and identity of the host country. Some people worry that immigrants do not share the same values, norms, or traditions as the native population, or that they pose a threat to the national security or social cohesion. However, research has shown that immigration can enrich the culture and diversity of the host country, as well as foster mutual understanding and tolerance among different groups. Moreover, immigrants often contribute to the social and civic life of the host country, such as by volunteering, paying taxes, or voting. A possible solution to address this concern is to promote intercultural dialogue and education that respect and celebrate the diversity of cultures, religions, and languages. These initiatives could help to build trust and cooperation between immigrants and natives, while also preserving the core values and identity of the host country.

In conclusion, immigration is a multifaceted phenomenon that can bring both challenges and opportunities for the host country and the immigrants. By acknowledging and addressing the genuine concerns that people have around immigration, we can find solutions that are fair, humane, and beneficial for all.

Why is it so hard for us to engage in constructive dialogue

In this blog post, I want to address a question that has been bothering me for a long time: why is it so hard for us to engage in constructive dialogue about the challenges and opportunities that we face in our society? Why do we tend to avoid or dismiss the perspectives and experiences of those who disagree with us, instead of trying to understand them and find common ground? Why do we let the most extreme and divisive voices dominate the public discourse, while the majority of us remain silent or apathetic? And what are the consequences of this situation for our democracy, our communities, and our future?

I believe that these questions are crucial for us to reflect on, especially in a time when we are facing unprecedented discontent, and the spread of misinformation and hate. These issues require us to work together, to listen to each other, to learn from each other, and to find solutions that are fair, effective, and sustainable. However, this is not possible if we are not willing or able to have difficult conversations about them.

Difficult conversations are those that involve topics that are complex, controversial, sensitive, or emotionally charged. They are also those that challenge our assumptions, values, beliefs, or identities. They can make us feel uncomfortable, defensive, angry, or vulnerable. They can also trigger strong reactions from others who may disagree with us or misunderstand us. Therefore, many of us tend to avoid them or handle them poorly. We may resort to silence, denial, evasion, or aggression. We may also seek out information or opinions that confirm our existing views and ignore or reject those that contradict them. This is known as confirmation bias.

However, by avoiding or mishandling difficult conversations, we are missing out on valuable opportunities to learn, grow, and improve ourselves and our relationships. We are also allowing the space for dialogue to be filled by those who have no interest in finding common ground or solving problems. These are the far-right and controversial voices that exploit our fears, prejudices, and frustrations to promote their agendas of division and hatred. They use inflammatory rhetoric, sensationalism, and misinformation to attract attention and influence people. They also create echo chambers where their followers only hear what they want to hear and reinforce each other’s biases and extremism. This can lead some people down a rabbit hole where they become isolated from reality and vulnerable to radicalisation.

This is a dangerous situation for our society because it undermines our social cohesion, our trust in each other and in our institutions, and our ability to cooperate and collaborate for the common good. It also erodes our critical thinking skills, our empathy, and our sense of responsibility. It makes us more susceptible to manipulation and deception by those who seek to exploit us or harm us.

Therefore, I think it is imperative that we reclaim the space for dialogue and have more difficult conversations about the issues that matter to us. We need to break out of our bubbles and echo chambers and expose ourselves to different perspectives and experiences. We need to challenge ourselves and others to think critically, creatively, and compassionately. We need to respect ourselves and others as human beings who have dignity, rights, and potential. We need to acknowledge our differences but also recognise our commonalities. We need to seek understanding before judgment, agreement before conflict, and action before complacency.

This is not easy but it is possible. And it is necessary if we want to create a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

People are still asking what fuels Islamophobia

People are still asking what fuels Islamophobia. Where do people think the peddlers of Islamophobia get their fuel from? Just click the link and watch the clip below and see why some people feel Muslims are a threat to the West. This is the kind of propaganda that spreads fear and hatred among the public, and creates a hostile environment for Muslims in the UK.

A lesson we should learn from the past is that Anjem Choudary had a lot of influence and charisma in his time, and many people like myself who grew up Watching or reading about him in the media and never saw him questioned or challenged on his views or arguments. He created a sense of division, and it was easy to fall into that trap of the ‘US and THEM’ narrative coming from a white town like mine, Especially once I was in the echo chambers I perceived AC was the voice of the UK Muslim community.

The Muslim community needs to been seen challenging this kind of rhetoric in Mosques and speaking out about it, as do we all. I have experienced radicalisation first-hand and I know how dangerous it can be. That’s why I share my story with others, to help them understand the root causes of hatred and how to prevent it from taking over. I think it’s important to address the factors that make people vulnerable to extremist ideologies, such as social isolation, trauma, injustice, or resentment. These are the things that we often ignore or neglect until it’s too late and someone has already been radicalised.

TalkTV on X: “EXCLUSIVE: A TalkTV investigation has unearthed footage of hate preachers in several UK mosques calling for Jewish people to be killed, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.” / X (

The Rise of Protest Fashion: A Cause for Concern?

In recent weeks, we have witnessed a surge of protests across the world, sparked by various social and political issues. Some of these protests have been peaceful and well-organized, while others have turned violent and chaotic. But what is the motivation behind these protesters? Do they really care about the causes they are fighting for, or are they just following a trend?

A worrying phenomenon that has emerged from the online coverage of these protests is the apparent lack of awareness and knowledge among some of the participants. Many of them seem to have joined the protests without doing any research or critical thinking about the issues at stake. They simply follow the crowd, wear the slogans, and chant the slogans, without understanding what they mean or what they imply.

This is what I call “protest fashion”: a superficial and shallow engagement with social movements that is driven by peer pressure, social media influence, or personal gratification, rather than by genuine conviction, passion, or solidarity. Protest fashion is dangerous because it undermines the credibility and legitimacy of the movements, dilutes their messages, and exposes the protesters to manipulation and radicalization by extremist groups.

Protest fashion is not a new phenomenon. It has been observed in previous historical periods, such as the 1960s counterculture, the 1980s punk scene, or the 1990s grunge movement. However, in the age of the internet and social media, protest fashion has become more widespread and accessible than ever before. Anyone can join a protest with a few clicks, without having to invest time, effort, or money in learning about the issues or getting involved in the organizations.

This is not to say that all protesters are ignorant or insincere. There are many people who are genuinely committed to the causes they support, who have done their homework, for their beliefs.

But we should also be aware of the dangers of protest fashion, and how it can harm both the protesters and the movements they claim to represent. We should encourage critical thinking, informed debate, and responsible activism among ourselves and others. We should not let protest fashion become a substitute for real engagement with social change.

National Interfaith Week

I had the opportunity to share my personal story of how I overcame hate and embraced change with a group of people from different faiths and backgrounds. This was part of the Waveney Interfaith Circle’s program for the National Interfaith Week, which aims to promote dialogue and understanding among different religions.

I was invited by a local Muslim revert lady who I had been chatting with online for about a year. She was interested in hearing about my journey from being involved in Hate to becoming an advocate for peace and tolerance. We had to postpone our meeting twice because of my health issues and the passing of my mother in September.

But finally, I was able to fulfill my promise and give my talk to her interfaith group. I was warmly welcomed by the participants, who listened attentively and asked thoughtful questions. I felt a sense of connection and respect with them, despite our different beliefs and experiences. I hope that my talk inspired them to challenge hate and prejudice in their own communities and to seek out more opportunities for interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

Does de-platforming really work?

De-platforming is a controversial topic that has sparked a lot of debate in recent years. Some argue that it is an effective way to prevent the spread of harmful or hateful messages, while others claim that it is a form of censorship that violates free speech and pushes people to more radical platforms.

One of the main arguments in favor of de-platforming is that it reduces the exposure and influence of controversial figures, such as Tommy Robinson, who was banned from Twitter in 2018 for violating its rules on hateful conduct. Robinson had a large following and a lot of engagement on Twitter, so losing his platform must have been a significant setback for him. But now he is back on X the rebrand of Twitter, the call to De platform him again has begun.

However, does de-platforming really work? Or does it simply shift the problem from one platform to another, and create more isolated and extreme echo chambers, where there is no challenge or diversity of opinion, and where it is harder to leave or change one’s views?

A possible counterargument to de-platforming is that it does not stop the supporters of banned figures from sharing their content or following them elsewhere. For example, Robinson has still been trending on Twitter several times since his ban, and he has also moved to other platforms, such as Telegram, where he has over 130,000 subscribers. Moreover, some studies have suggested that de-platforming can actually increase the popularity and sympathy for banned figures, as they can portray themselves as victims of oppression or persecution.

Therefore, de-platforming may not be the best solution to deal with harmful or hateful messages. Instead, some alternatives could be to engage with them in a civil and rational way, to expose their flaws and inconsistencies, to provide accurate and reliable information, and to promote positive and constructive messages that counteract their narratives. These strategies may be more effective in changing minds and hearts, rather than silencing voices and creating resentment.

I think de-platforming is a superficial and ineffective way of dealing with the problem of online radicalisation. It only shifts the problem from one platform to another, without addressing the root causes of why people are drawn from the Pre- ideology mindset to the more extremist ideologies. In the meantime, some of the most vulnerable people in our society are exposed to hateful and violent propaganda in online spaces where there is no diversity of opinion or critical thinking.

I speak from personal experience, I know how easy it is to get trapped in an echo chamber of hate, where you only hear what you want to hear and you are constantly fed with misinformation and conspiracy theories. I also know how powerful it is to have your views challenged by someone who can offer a different perspective and a more nuanced understanding of the issues. That was the turning point for me, when I started to question what I was taught and what I believed, and I began my journey out of hate.

‘increased community tensions’, My thoughts.

I believe the root cause of ‘increased community tensions’ is the ‘Pick A Side’ mentality that divides people based on their opinions or race. Instead of respecting and listening to different perspectives, we demonize and reject those who disagree with us. This leads to more polarization and conflict in our society. We need to stop labeling and blaming others for our problems and start engaging in constructive dialogue and cooperation.

To effectively address the root causes of hatred, we need to examine its sources and origins, not just its manifestations and consequences. We should avoid labeling and blaming people who have been influenced by hateful ideologies, as this may only reinforce their resentment and hostility. Instead, we should seek to understand the factors that make them vulnerable to such influences, and offer them alternative perspectives and opportunities for positive change.

Scotland Yard says ‘intense debate’ before Armistice Day protests ‘increased community tensions’ as critics slam Suella Braverman for ‘whipping up division’ – while ex-minister blasts Met for allowing far-right thugs into Whitehall ‘to protect Cenotaph’ | Daily Mail Online

The power of conversation..

I have been vocal about my experience of radicalisation and how I escaped from that mindset. I have also warned others about the dangers of extremism and violence. However, this has not been easy for me. I have faced a lot of backlash and hostility from people who disagree with me or hate me for what I used to be. Some of them even threatened to kill me, which made me change my travel arrangements when I was invited to give talks. I used to take the train, but now I drive everywhere.

I soon realised that blocking and reporting the haters online did not make them go away. They would just create new accounts or find other ways to harass me.

So I did something that most people would not do. I started engaging with them. I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. I believe that having difficult conversations and stepping out of your comfort zones is the only way to make a difference. Sometimes, all it takes is to give someone time and respect to listen to what they have to say, even if it goes against your own moral compass.

The first couple of screenshots show how one of the haters approached me. He was very rude and aggressive, calling me names and accusing me of being a traitor.

But after a while, you can see in the third screenshot that we started talking a bit differently. I was able to find out why he targeted me and what his grievances were. And the last one shows that I left the conversation open for him to continue tomorrow. Maybe he will change his mind about me, maybe he won’t. But at least I tried.

Anti-Muslim Hatred, Where does it come from?

Ask yourself the question, What fuels some of the Anti Muslim Hatred?

Stories like those below 👇 Could easily be used to fuel Anti Muslim Hatred, And if I was of my old mindset would be some of the articles I would use.

1. Hamas fugitive spouts hate on TV station based in London Hamas fugitive spouts hate on TV station based in London (

2. London imam denounced for ‘repugnant rhetoric’ over Hamas attacks London imam denounced for ‘repugnant rhetoric’ over Hamas attacks (

3. Firebrand leader of extremist Islamic group that called for ‘jihad’ at an anti-Israel protest works as an
NHS GP London jihad demo leader is NHS doctor: Islamic extremist’s double life as a suburban GP is exposed | Daily Mail Online

4. Mosque chairman who praised Hamas founder advises CPS on hate crime Mosque chairman who praised Hamas leader advises CPS on hate crime (

5. Birmingham Lib Dem Councillor investigated for Hamas attack comments Birmingham Lib Dem Councillor investigated for Hamas attack comments – BBC News

6. Three teenagers arrested after ‘yobs chanted Free Palestine and Allahu Akbar while trying to set fire to Union flag’ are released on bail Three teenagers arrested after ‘yobs chanted Free Palestine and Allahu Akbar while trying to set fire to Union flag’ are released on bail – as locals reveal how have-a-go hero pub local chased gang of four men | Daily Mail Online

plus many more out there.