On days like today, the anniversary of the tragic death of Lee Rigby…

On days like today, the anniversary of the tragic death of Lee Rigby, I am reminded of how the far-right will use other people’s tragedies for their own agendas with no thoughts of how the families feel. When I was in the EDL, I would use the 7/7 bombings every year to spread outrage and further my message. It wasn’t until I met Dan Biddle, the most injured survivor that day, and heard his story of trying to rebuild his life, that I felt guilty for how I used the tragedy for my own aims.

Every year Lee Rigby’s family will say not to use his name, but are ignored by those who wish to use his memory to spread hate.

I can of course understand the national outrage about tragic events that take place – but we need to let families grieve without an annual battle for how their loved one’s memories should be used.

I call on anyone who sees posts on social media trying to use this tragedy to sow anger to stop, to think, and to make a choice to respect the wishes of bereaved by standing against hatred and division.

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